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NIS2 Compliance explained: Everything HR needs to know

Written by Sympa | Sep 23, 2024 12:15:00 PM

The NIS2 Directive was adopted in December 2022, and EU Member States must transpose it into national law by October 2024. As the deadline approaches, businesses across the EU prepare for stricter cybersecurity regulations. For many companies, HR will play a pivotal role in ensuring their organisation meets these requirements. 

In this practical guide, we’ll break down what NIS2 means for HR and how Sympa’s comprehensive HR system can help your business stay ahead of it. 

What is NIS2? 

NIS2 is a new EU directive designed to strengthen cybersecurity. It replaces the original NIS Directive, expanding its reach and setting stricter rules for managing cyber risks and reporting incidents. The goal of NIS2 is to establish a consistent standard of cybersecurity across the EU, protecting critical infrastructure and services from increasing cyber threats. 

Is your business impacted by NIS2? 

NIS2 applies to both public and private organisations classified as essential or important. Essential entities include sectors such as healthcare, energy, and transport, while important entities include digital service providers and manufacturing companies. Both groups face cybersecurity obligations, though essential entities have stricter requirements. 

However, even companies that are not directly bound by the directive, such as small subcontractors, may be affected if they are part of a larger supply chain. This makes compliance a priority for a wide range of businesses. 

Ensuring compliance early on is crucial to avoid potential disruptions, legal risks, and costly penalties for non-compliance vary by entity type: essential entities can face fines of up to €10 million or 2% of global turnover, while important entities can be fined up to €7 million or 1.4% of global turnover. The severity of penalties reflects the critical nature of the sectors involved. 

HR’s role in achieving compliance

Although NIS2 may seem like an IT concern, many of its requirements directly impact HR. For companies without a dedicated compliance or cybersecurity team, HR will need to oversee: 

  • Employee training: NIS2 requires companies to ensure that all employees undergo regular training on cybersecurity practices. This becomes an ongoing responsibility for HR.
  • Access control: HR sets user roles and permissions, making sure employees only access the data they need for their jobs.
  • Data oversight: HR monitors and tracks who accesses sensitive data, keeping records to ensure ongoing compliance. 

By taking the lead in implementing these measures, HR can help safeguard the organisation against cyber threats and avoid costly fines. 

How Sympa can help you achieve NIS2 compliance 

Sympa’s HR system is designed to help your organisation meet NIS2 requirements with confidence. Here’s how: 

  • Training & certification management: Sympa integrates seamlessly with LMS platforms like 360Learning, allowing you to track and manage cybersecurity training for every employee. This ensures your team stays up to date with NIS2’s training mandates.
  • User roles and access control: Sympa lets you manage user permissions easily, ensuring that employees have access to the data they need. This is a key part of NIS2’s focus on limiting unnecessary data exposure.
  • Compliance monitoring and reporting: Sympa’s built-in compliance tools give you a clear overview of your organisation’s status. You can track training completions, review access levels, helping you stay compliant with NIS2.
  • ISO 27001 aligned security: Sympa adheres to its ISO 27001 certified framework, which NIS2 builds upon. This alignment ensures that your HR data remains secure and compliant with industry standards.
  • Collaboration between HR and IT: Sympa’s collaborative approach enables visibility between HR and IT teams. This ensures both departments work together efficiently on user access, data security, and compliance tasks, streamlining efforts to meet NIS2 requirements. 

The time to act is now 

With the October 2024 deadline fast approaching, preparing for NIS2 is more important than ever. Failing to comply could result in costly fines and reputational damage. By proactively managing training, data access, and compliance, you can safeguard your organisation against lasting consequences. 

Sympa offers everything you need to navigate NIS2. Don’t leave compliance to chance — speak to an expert today to learn more about Sympa’s comprehensive HR system.