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What is collaborative HR?

Written by Sympa | Sep 11, 2024 10:04:27 AM

The changing state of HR

HR has completely transformed in recent years. What was once a role focused on paperwork is now at the heart of business strategy and success. However, many HR teams are still bogged down by administrative tasks and lack the tools to become truly strategic. There’s also a disconnect between HR and the rest of the company, limiting HR’s impact. This highlights the need for a collaborative approach that aligns people with the broader business goals.

Saara Somersalmi, CHRO at Sympa, puts it clearly: “HR has the potential to be a powerful force in shaping business strategy, but when we’re tied up in admin work, that potential is wasted. We need to free ourselves from the processes that hold us back and focus on what matters: the people and the future of the company.”

Collaborative HR to the rescue

Collaborative HR offers a solution to this challenge. The goal is to transform HR from a process-driven function into a strategic partner that works closely with leadership and other departments. Rather than working in isolation, Collaborative HR fosters shared decision-making, integrated planning, and real-time communication, ensuring everyone is aligned and working towards the same objectives. 

In today’s ever-evolving business environment, agility and teamwork are essential. Collaborative HR breaks down silos and positions HR as a key player in shaping the future of the organisation. 

Collaborative HR in action: Scenario Planning with Sympa 

Sympa’s latest feature, Scenarios, is a game changer. Scenario planning enables HR professionals and leadership to work together in real time, creating and analysing people plans that align with overall business goals. 

Imagine your organisation is planning a major restructuring. With Scenarios, team members can work together to evaluate different outcomes within a visual organisation chart. For example, they can see what would happen if they made new hires, shifted roles, or consolidated departments. The tool allows teams to visualise these changes in real-time and understand their potential impacts, making it easier to choose the best path forward. This collaborative approach ensures that every decision is well-informed, and everyone is on the same page. 

Saara Somersalmi, CHRO at Sympa, underscores this point: “Tools like Scenarios are vital. They empower us to take a more proactive role in planning and ensure that our strategies are always aligned with the broader business goals. We can talk about being more strategic but it’s impossible to evolve without the right tools.” 

The benefits of Collaborative HR 

When HR and other departments work together, the benefits are clear. Decision-making becomes faster and more informed, processes are streamlined, and the organisation becomes more agile. 

Collaborative HR isn’t just about improving HR — it’s about improving the business as a whole. Here’s how: 

  • Solve ad hoc issues: Collaborate with leaders in real-time to tackle unexpected challenges with confidence. 
  • Plan with centralised data: Access all your people data in one place to ensure informed, decisive planning. 
  • Streamline processes: Turn data into actionable insights, reducing admin work and freeing up HR to focus on the bigger picture. 
  • Enable smarter leadership: Empower leaders with full visibility of their people — including skills, salaries and audit trails. 

The future of HR is collaborative 

Collaborative HR is the way forward. It’s about moving beyond traditional roles and embracing a more integrated, team-oriented approach to managing people and strategy. For HR professionals, the challenge is to balance the demands of today with the opportunities of tomorrow, using collaboration as the key to unlocking success. 

In the words of Saara Somersalmi, “The future of HR is about balance — balancing administrative tasks with strategic initiatives. By leveraging the right tools, HR can continue to lead organisations through transformation.” 

By embracing Collaborative HR, upskilling, and adopting innovative tools, HR can navigate the complexities of today’s workplace and continue leading organisations through times of transformation. The future of HR is bright, and collaboration will be at the heart of that success.