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  • Create a direct communications channel to your employees
  • Drive learning and development with state of the art learning management capabilities
  • Achieve unparalleled social media scale with the built in social media amplification features
  • Learn from your team with the full blown survey management functionality


  • Talent & Performance


  • Scalando


  • Global



Scalando Connected Enterprise


Designed to help companies drive growth and profitability by unleashing the power of their most important asset, People & Communities.


Companies today more than ever need to adjust to the reality of a changed and digitalized world.The COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies to operate in a 2030 mode from a digital perspective -with 2020 software, at best. As companies adapt, they also need to re-imagine how they run their businesses going forward.

Three main challenges faced by companies today:

  • How to educate, execute and stay connected as one community of employees and stakeholders across borders.
  • How to plan and orchestrate a digital-first go-to-market strategy based on one connected experience.
  • How to execute at scale with instant analytics and insights allowing you to optimize in-flight as the market changes. 

Scalando solves all of these challenges!

With one SaaS platform, companies can create online communities, plan business initiatives, inspire employees to complete actions, track business progress, and analyze and optimize initiatives in real-time. Scalando keeps everyone in your organization connected! For companies on a mission to grow their business in the new world and deliver a stand-out, personalized employee engagement experience Scalando is the answer!

LISA is at the heart of the Scalando platform. LISA keeps communities of employees motivated and connected. The user experience is personalized because each community member is profiled and only sees news, updates, trainings and actions that are most relevant to them. Scalando becomes an Intranet for company employees; the place they go for everything.

LISA stands for Learn, Interact, Share, Award.

Learn - Scalando includes a Learning Management System for training employees. LISA even suggests additional trainings for individuals, based on their online activities to date.

Interact - Scalando includes gamification to drive engagement and competition. This motivates users to take trainings, fill in market insight surveys, share social media posts, and more.

Share - Companies rely on employees and customers to help ‘spread the word’ on their behalf. Built-in social media posts mean that users can amplify a company’s message with ease.

Award - Users can earn points for completing specific sales enablement actions that will help them to fulfil their potential. This also enables them to climb online leaderboards and win Awards!


2-5 Days



Learning Management System

Learning Experience Platform


Employee Engagement

Talent communication