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Sympa BP - Personal details

Sympa Feature

Manage your personal details and enable employee self-service in Sympa, check out how!


Personal details for the employee to fill in – ESS (1 page) 
  1. Private contact details
  2. Bank account details
  3. ICE contacts
  4. Dietary details (optional)
  5. Dependants and children (optional)
  6. Other additional fields (3) for personal details (optional)
  7. Customer-specific guide texts (optional)
  8. Edit or view access for employee and HR. Edit, view or no access for manager
 Personal details for HR (1 page) 
  1. Maintenance of statistical information: Gender and age
  2. Other statistical information: Language and citizenship (optional)
  3. Information regarding passport, driver’s licence, and residence permit (optional)
  4. Other additional fields (3) for personal details (optional)
  5. Customer-specific guide texts (optional)
  6. Edit or view access for HR and manager. Edit, view or no access for employee
  7. Up to 3 ready-made reports: (optional)
  • Gender distribution  
  • Average age per gender 
  • Citizenship  

Master data

Employee self-service



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